What is job description (JD), meaning and guidelines
A job description is a general, broad, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis.
A job description is a general, broad, and written statement of a specific job, based on the findings of a job analysis.
Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence and support among people who are needed to achieve organisational goals.
The process of human resource planning is based on analysing the various aspects of the business environment in which it operates.
Theories of motivation provide a detailed framework to understand the various factors that drive the performance and behaviour of people. There is no shortage of models, strategies and tactics for motivating employees
Personality is more or less a stable and enduring organisation of a person’s character, temperament, intelligence and physique which determine his unique adjustment to environment.
Reinforcement is vital for the learning process as it helps in sharpening behavioural reactions. However, few learning theorists believe that reinforcement is not a part of learning.