One Word Substitution
One word Substitution is one of the essential parts of the vocabulary. It only means that a sentence has to be replaced with a single word. This area needs a good vocabulary to solve the questions well. Questions based on one-word substitution are repeatedly asked in various competitive exams.
S.No | Sentence | One-Word |
1 | One who has become dependent on something or drugs | Addict (SO (Audit), 1997) |
2 | Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space | Claustrophobia (SO (Audit), 1997) |
3 | Call upon God or any other power (like law) for help or protection | Invocation (SO (Audit), 1997) |
4 | Severely abusive writing in journals | Scurrilous (SO (Audit), 1997) |
5 | A person who opposes war or the use of military force | Pacifist (SO (Audit), 1997) |
6 | One is not concerned with right or wrong | Amoral (SO (Audit), 1997) |
7 | Something no longer in use | Obsolete (SO (Audit), 1997) |
8 | Stealthily done (something done quietly and secretly in order to avoid being noticed) | Surreptitious (SO (Audit), 1997) |
9 | Words written on a tomb | Epitaph (SO (Audit), 1997) |
10 | A person with a long experience in any occupation | Veteran (SO (Audit), 1997) |
11 | Something capable of being done | Feasible (SO (Audit), 2001) |
12 | A person coming to a foreign land to settle there | Immigrant (SO (Audit), 2001) |
13 | Anything which is no longer in use | Obsolete (SO (Audit), 2001) |
14 | A person who is unable to pay debts | Insolvent (SO (Audit), 2001) |
15 | Capable of being understood in either of two or more possible senses and therefore not definite | Ambiguous (SO (Audit), 2001) |
16 | A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of the drama | Epilogue (SO (Audit), 2001) |
17 | Act of deceiving somebody to make money | Fraud (SO (Audit), 2001) |
18 | A flat metal or Porcelain plate fixed on a wall as an ornament or memorial | Plaque (SO (Audit), 2001) |
19 | To cut something into two pieces | Sever (SO (Audit), 2001) |
20 | A succession of rulers belonging to one family | Dynasty (SO (Audit), 2001) |
21 | To seize control of a vehicle to force it to go to a new destination or demand something | Hijack (SO (Audit), 2003) |
22 | Lasting only for a moment | Momentary (SO (Audit), 2003) |
23 | One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain | Stoic (SO (Audit), 2003) |
24 | The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food – | Gastronomy (SO (Audit), 2003) |
25 | The killing of a child | Infanticide (SO (Audit), 2003) |
26 | One who believes in offering equal opportunities to women in all spheres | Feminist (SO (Audit), 2003) |
27 | One who studies election trends using opinion polls | Psephologist (SO (Audit), 2003) |
28 | A doctor who treats children | Paediatrician (SO (Audit), 2003) |
29 | One who can think about the future with imagination and wisdom | Visionary (SO (Audit), 2003) |
30 | Give and receive mutually | Reciprocate (SO (Audit), 2003) |
31 | A building where an audience sits | Auditorium (SO (Audit), 2004) |
32 | The first model of a new device | Prototype (SO (Audit), 2004) |