Functions of a Manager
Functions of a Manager – In every significant organization, a management hierarchy ensures the smooth operation of the entire workforce. A skilled manager can seamlessly integrate into their team, facilitating progress through subtle adjustments to actions or methods. Being a proficient manager entails setting an example through leadership. Managing is among the most challenging roles – on the one hand, you must handle the expectations of others, yet it often receives the slightest acknowledgement. Despite this, numerous business strategies can assist you in handling all your responsibilities with enthusiasm and flair.
Method 1: Motivating your employees
1. Motivate People
Why do you have employees here? What keeps them in your organization and prevents them from going elsewhere? What makes good days suitable? The answer lies in more than just money. Remember to consider the complexity of people.
Remember, our values are what keep us motivated. If you respect and address your team’s values, they will deliver their best performance.
Regularly inquire about your employees’ feelings toward their jobs. Please encourage them to be honest with you and then take action based on their feedback.
Offer perks that your employees genuinely appreciate. If health is important to them, provide time to go to the gym, engage in aerobics, and work out. If family is a priority, respect the time it takes for their kids to be dropped off at school in the morning and picked up in the afternoon.
2. Make People Feel Good
A successful manager possesses a keen ability to recognize their employees’ strengths and positive qualities, expressing appreciation for these attribute from time to time. Adept managers understand that content and satisfied individuals are more productive. Make a conscious effort to acknowledge your employees’ abilities publicly and privately.
For example, during a meeting with your boss, highlight a notable achievement of one of your team members. Suppose your boss relays this positive feedback to the employee. In that case, they will likely feel valued and motivated to uphold that appreciation. Such commendations do not go unnoticed.
Personally commend your employees for their achievements. Whenever time allows, offer detailed praise. Brief yet private conversations can significantly boost morale, leading to enhanced self-motivation.
Additionally, consistently communicate your appreciation to your employees. Take the initiative to express your admiration directly. Invite them for a casual chat or a cup of tea, and let them know the qualities you admire in them: their hardworking nature, the practical inspiration of others, quick learning abilities, discipline, extra effort, and continuous encouragement.
Method 2: Setting Goals
1. Make fewer promises and deliver more (Under-promise, over-deliver).
This principle can be applied across various aspects of life, but it holds particular significance in effective management. Do you want to be the individual with overly ambitious, never-attainable objectives, or do you prefer setting realistic goals that yield tangible results? While it speaks to your reputation, the image you project is considerably more crucial.
Avoid being the type of person who constantly aims for the unattainable. Setting measurable goals enhances your image and ensures more tangible outcomes. It’s not about always being conservative; it’s about striking a balance and occasionally aiming high. Managers who do not have goals within their potential may be perceived as lacking ambition. Even those with a conservative approach recognize the importance of breaking from convention when the timing is right.
2. Ensure that every employee knows what is expected of them
Having specific goals allows your employees to maintain focus and competence. Clearly outline your expectations, set deadlines, and communicate how you will assess and utilize the results.
3. Provide goal-oriented feedback
Offering prompt feedback that centres on employees’ work can foster improvement. Engage with individuals in small teams or one-on-one settings and elaborate on your points or opinions.
Establish a feedback schedule. Regularly provide feedback so that employees anticipate when they will receive it and can allocate time for it amidst their work.
4. Hold yourself to the highest standards
We are all familiar with managers who consistently criticize or complain harshly about their mistakes but overlook similar errors made by their employees. Avoid becoming this type of manager. Ideally, be more demanding of yourself than you are of your employees. This can have a profoundly positive impact: employees observe how you establish goals and standards for themselves, inspiring them to emulate your commitment because they respect and admire you.
Method 3: Assign Responsibility
1. Delegate Responsibilities
Being a manager doesn’t mean you have to shoulder all the work; instead, it involves teaching others how to excel. Start with small tasks that can be corrected if errors occur. Embrace opportunities for your employees to learn and gain confidence. Gradually assign more significant responsibilities as you become familiar with their strengths and weaknesses.
Learn to anticipate potential challenges your employees might encounter and provide guidance before they commence work. Additionally, assign tasks that require your employees to exert effort. This helps you gauge their workload capacity and enhances their value to the company.
3. Assume responsibility for employees’ mistakes
When a subordinate makes a mistake, don’t shift the blame onto them. Accept it as your own, even if the error is technically not yours. Adopting this approach creates a culture where employees feel at ease making mistakes and learning—a crucial concept.
This practice enables your employees to explore new avenues and, over time, fosters growth. Workers who learn from their mistakes tend to become more proficient. Conversely, those who avoid making errors often play it safe and are hesitant to take on more challenging tasks.
4. Avoid taking credit for employees’ accomplishments
Allow them to receive recognition for their achievements. This motivates them to continue striving for success. An effective manager is akin to a director coordinating the music, ensuring that each part contributes its natural sound and collectively producing a harmonious piece. A good director instructs individuals on accomplishing tasks while remaining in the background.
What happens if you’re the manager who appropriates someone else’s idea and presents it as your own? You convey that you prioritize your image and are willing to sacrifice others’ interests for personal advancement. This tarnishes your reputation and fails to inspire those under your leadership to work harder.
You might wonder, “Why take responsibility for others’ mistakes and not claim credit for your employees’ achievements? What do I gain from this?” If you excel at your job and manage effectively, there’s no need to showcase your accomplishments. People will naturally recognize your contributions. More importantly, they’ll be impressed by your ability to inspire employees, demonstrate politeness, and avoid hindering progress. If you work diligently, the rewards will follow.
5. Acknowledge Your Mistakes
When things don’t unfold as expected, reflect on what could have been done differently and discuss this insight with your employees. It demonstrates that you, too, make mistakes and provides them with a model for handling their errors.
When correcting a mistake, and someone is observing, let them see the process. For example: “I know I need to press this button because when I started, I made the mistake of pressing the blue button, thinking it would shut down the system and solve the problem. This painful experience showed me that it might make matters worse!”
Method 4: Communicating Effectively
1. Keep the doors open
Always remind people that you are eager and ready to listen if they have any questions or concerns. Maintaining open communication channels will help you quickly address issues, facilitating a prompt resolution.
Avoid being the kind of manager who unintentionally makes employees feel like they are bothering them when presenting a problem or concern. Instead of viewing it as a new crisis, see it as an opportunity to demonstrate your desire to enhance the organization’s work environment.
Never downplay or dismiss your employees’ concerns; ensure you have fully addressed their questions.
2. Take interest in your employees
Don’t restrict every interaction with your workers to just work or business. Engage in conversations about their well-being and personal lives, share information about yourself, and establish an emotional connection.
Being aware of your employees’ lives, even outside the office, can provide insight into when someone may need additional support or assistance, such as leaving suddenly for a family funeral or needing personal time. If you can be attuned to the challenges in your workers’ personal lives, they will likely feel a sense of loyalty to you.
However, be mindful of your boundaries. Avoid delving too profoundly into highly personal matters, such as religion, politics, or intimate relationships. It’s possible to maintain a friendly relationship without being intrusive.
3. Avoid Mixing Positive and Negative Feedback
Consider a scenario where you provide feedback to one of your employees during a performance review. You begin by highlighting what a great person they are to work with and mention some other things they have excelled at. However, you then address their shortcomings – “Sales down this quarter,” “Profits down,” and so on. Which aspect do you think your employees will pay more attention to – the positive or the negative?
When positive and negative feedback are intermingled, it diminishes the impact in both areas. The negative overshadows the positive aspects, and the negative loses some of its potency. While there may be situations where combining both types of feedback is necessary, it generally makes communication less effective.
Keeping positive and negative feedback separate makes positive feedback more impactful, and negative feedback retains its essential focus.
4. Listen
Listen to your employees and coworkers. You can be someone other than the conductor of meetings, dominating the podium and excluding others. Always strive to be honest, but exercise utmost care in the following situations:
1. When employees actively share ideas: Refrain from interfering to insert your voice into the mix. Doing so may stifle the development of the idea.
2. When feelings are turbulent or furious: Allow people to express them in a safe and controlled environment. Suppressed emotions can transform into resentment, potentially jeopardizing work relationships. Conversely, feelings not given sufficient attention can disrupt rational discussions, which are integral to a productive work environment.
3. When teams are developing relationships or negotiating: Listen attentively to your employees as they build relationships and engage in creative negotiations.
5. Clarify what you are hearing
A reasonable manager articulates their point clearly and strives to ensure that those around them comprehend. Employ this technique when you need more clarification on what the other person is saying.
Rather than saying to your co-worker, “I’m sorry, can you repeat what you said? I don’t think I understood,” express it as, “So, if I hear you correctly, you’re suggesting that we can enhance productivity by offering better incentives. Could you elaborate on what these incentives should entail?”
6. Ask questions
Well-thought-out questions demonstrate your ability to follow the flow of the discussion and seek clarification when necessary. Don’t hesitate to ask questions simply because you’re concerned about sounding “stupid.” Effective managers prioritize understanding crucial aspects; they are unafraid to do whatever it takes to comprehend the matter at hand. Additionally, be mindful that others might have questions but hesitate to ask them. By asking questions on their behalf, you play a supportive role, elevating your team’s engagement in the discussion. This is a genuine indicator of practical managerial skills.
Method 5: Embrace Equalitarianism
1. Treat everyone equally
Most of us are more egalitarian than we would like to be. At times, bias lingers at a subconscious level. We offer more positive recognition to those who, in some way, resemble us or share similar characteristics rather than acknowledging those who contribute the most to the organization. In the long run, individuals in the latter group are the ones who will make the most progress in achieving the organization’s goals. Therefore, monitor your behaviour carefully and ensure you’re not favouring individuals based on personal preferences, even if they resonate with you. Be mindful that your positive acknowledgement doesn’t unintentionally neglect those who may be hesitant to accept praise yet genuinely deserve it.
2. Treat your employees well
Suppose you treat your workers well, and they find satisfaction in their work. In that case, they will extend this kindness to the customers, elevating your company’s image to a priceless level. Alternatively, they may replicate this positive behaviour when interacting with their subordinates, contributing to maintaining a positive corporate culture.
Advice for Being a Good Manager
1. Be kind to your team; success is only achievable with their support.
2. Avoid reprimanding the entire department for the actions of one individual. For example, if you notice Vijay is consistently late for work, address the issue privately rather than sending a group warning.
3. Celebrate success with the team, whether through a simple pat on the back, taking them to lunch, or granting a half-day off.
4. Respect the employees’ working hours; avoid staying longer than necessary. Acknowledge their time and personal commitments, and they will reciprocate with excellent results.
5. If termination is necessary, refrain from providing automatically negative references. Emphasize the employee’s positive qualities and skills.
6. Before resorting to drastic measures like removal or termination, consider transferring the employee to a different department where they may thrive in a different environment.
7. Never publicly reprimand any employee, regardless of the mistake’s magnitude.
8. Address conflicts between employees immediately, avoiding dismissal or suggesting they resolve them independently. Schedule separate meetings with each party, followed by a joint discussion. If needed, involve the company’s mediator, focusing on specific problems rather than general complaints.
9. Being a good manager does not mean being a people pleaser. If an employee repeatedly breaches boundaries or fails to meet expectations, use feedback or nonviolent communication to address the situation. If necessary, consider termination.
10. During inclement weather, consider employees’ concerns about childcare when daycare centres or schools are closed. Consult your HR department regarding the possibility of allowing employees to bring their children to the office, considering potential issues related to security and insurance. It is crucial to respect employees’ time and personal lives.
Good Qualities and Skills of a Manager

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