Scope of Management Accounting

Management Accounting Nature and Scope

Table of Contents:

The nature and scope of management accounting are explained below:

Scope of Management Accounting

The scope of management accounting is more comprehensive which draws concepts and applications from various fields.

The scope of management accounting comprises the following elements.

  • Cost Accounting
  • Operations Research
  • Financial Accounting
  • Statistical Methods

Scope of Management Accounting

1) Cost Accounting

It is an important aspect of accounting that provides cost-related information for both products and services offered by a company. It uses various tools such as marginal, standard, process, unit, batch, and more to analyze and interpret the data. These insights are then used to shape company policies and support the smooth functioning of the business.

2) Operations Research

 It serves as an essential tool that complements management accounting, aiding in formulating rational decisions through decision tree analysis and so on.

3) Financial Accounting

It is a traditional accounting method that provides historical information about a company’s past performance. This recorded data is used to shape future strategies and financial forecasts. For example, a company can plan for future sales and purchase volumes by analysing previous financial statements. It can then effectively manage accounts receivable and accounts payable, monitor stock levels, and determine daily cash requirements to meet financial obligations.

4) Statistical Methods

It is another component of management accounting that plays a pivotal role in the various departments’ presentation of information through charts, diagrams, etc., by the various departments.

Nature of Management Accounting

The nature of management accounting is explained as follows:

Nature of Management Accounting

1) Cause and Effect Analysis

When a loss occurs, the reasons for the loss are investigated. Likewise, the factors directly influencing profitability are studied when there’s a profit. The profits figures are compared to sales, different expenditures, current assets, interest payables, share capital, etc. Therefore, in management accounting, it’s possible to study cause-and-effect relationships.

2) Achieving Objectives

In management accounting, information is used strategically to accomplish organizational objectives effectively. Historical data is used to create plans and establish objectives. The recording of actual performance and comparing it to the targeted figures provides management with insights into the performance of different departments.

3) Providing Accounting Information

The primary function of the accounting department is data collection and classification. The management uses the information collected to make policy decisions. Management accounting involves presenting information in such a way that it suits managerial needs.

4) Provides Information, not Decisions

The management accountant provides information to the management. The decisions are to be taken by the top management.

5) Taking Important Decisions

It supplies the necessary information to the management, which may base its decisions on it. The historical data is studied to understand its potential influence on future decisions.

6) Use of Special Techniques and Concepts

The techniques used include financial planning and analysis, standard costing, budgetary control, marginal costing, project appraisal, control accounting, etc. The type of technique to be used will depend on the specific situation and its requirements.

7) Concern with Forecasting

The management accounting is concerned with the future. It helps management forecast and plan an effective organization.

8) Increase in Efficiency

The purpose of using accounting information is to increase the organisation’s efficiency. Efficiency can be achieved by establishing goals for each department or section. Performance appraisal helps management to identify both the efficient and inefficient areas.

Tools and Techniques of Management Accounting

Several tools and techniques are used to supply the information the management requires. No single technique can satisfy all managerial requirements. The tools and techniques used in management accounting are explained as follows:

Tools and techniques of management accounting are listed below:

  • Financial Policy and Accounting
  • Historical Cost Accounting
  • Standard Costing
  • Decision Accounting
  • Control Accounting
  • Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Budgetary Control
  • Marginal Costing
  • Revaluation Accounting
  • Management Information Systems
  • Working Capital Management

1) Analysis of Financial Statements

The analysis of financial statements is meant to classify and present data in a manner that is beneficial for the management. The meaning and significance of the data are explained in a non-technical language. In this technique, we collect four financial statements: one is a profit and loss account, the second is a balance sheet, the third is a cash flow statement, and the fourth and last is a fund flow statement. Following this, we calculate more than 30 ratios and conduct a detailed financial statement analysis through financial analysis, fund flow analysis, and cash flow analysis.

2) Historical Cost Accounting

Recording actual cost data on or after the date it has been incurred is referred to as historical cost accounting. Comparing the actual cost to the standard cost provides an idea about the organization’s performance. Though cost is important in itself, its utility is limited.

3) Standard Costing

Standard costing is an important technique employed for cost control. In a standard costing system, costs are determined in advance. The establishment of standard costs is based on a systematic analysis of existing conditions. Actual costs are documented and then compared to the standard costs. The variances, if any, are analyzed, and their reasons are ascertained. Standard costing helps to enhance the organization’s efficiency and the practice of management by exception.

4) Financial Policy and Accounting

Every concern has to decide on the sources of funds to raise. The funds can be raised either through the issue of share capital or by obtaining loans. Again, a decision must be made regarding the type of capital to be utilized, i.e., equity share capital or preference share capital. Preference share capital can be subdivided into several types.

The second decision relates to the acquisition of loans. The choice between long-term or short-term loans is, once again, a matter of policy. The proportion between loans and share capital should also be decided. All these decisions are very important, and management accounting offers a range of techniques to facilitate effective financial planning. Tax planning is another aspect where management accountants provide invaluable assistance to the management team. They try to use various rules and regulations to benefit the organization.

5) Decision Accounting

An important part of management is making decisions. Decision-taking involves a choice from various alternatives. There may be decisions about capital expenditure, make-or-buy choices, pricing strategies, expansion or diversification, etc. Management accounting calculates the financial implications of various courses of action, enabling management to make well-informed decisions and select the best action.

6) Working Capital Management

Through the use of this management accounting tool, short-term assets and short-term liabilities can be effectively managed. All cash, debtor, and inventory management will be included in working capital management. We also make a working capital cycle to know the firm’s ability to convert its resources into cash. If there is a low time for conversion of raw material into sales and then cash from the debtor, it is a good indication.

7) Revaluation Accounting

This is also known as replacement accounting. The primary objective of management is to secure the preservation of capital within the business. The profits are calculated in such a way that ensures the preservation of capital in real terms. In times of inflation or rising prices, the value of capital is greatly affected.

As per Batty, “Revaluation accounting is used to denote the methods employed for overcoming the problems connected with fixed asset replacement in a period of rising prices.”

8) Budgetary Control

Budgetary control is a system that uses budgets as a tool for control and planning. Budgets for each functional department are prepared in advance. The budgets are formulated using both documented data and future possibilities. The actual performance is recorded and then compared with the predetermined targets. Management can assess the performance of every person in the organization. The timing of budgets and identifying deviations are important tools for effective planning and control.

9) Management Information Systems

The development of electronic data recording and classifying data has greatly enhanced the reporting process for management. Data planning, coordination, and control are provided to management. Feedback of information, along with responsive actions, can be employed as control techniques.

10) Marginal Costing

This costing method is concerned with changes in costs resulting from changes in production volume. Under this system, the cost of the product is divided into marginal (variable) and fixed costs.

The fixed portion of the cost is considered constant and allocated based on a production level, while additional production units involve only variable costs. Marginal costing is a valuable tool for measuring the profitability of different production lines, departments, and divisions within an organization. The short-term utilization of capacity decisions is also assessed with the help of marginal costing.

11) Control Accounting

Control accounting is not an independent accounting system. Different systems have their control devices utilized in the field of control accounting. Standard costing and budgetary control can be implemented using variance analysis reports. In control accounting, we can use internal checks, internal audits, statutory audits and organization and methods for control purposes.

What is Management Accounting?

Management accounting focuses on presenting accounting information to assist management in their decision making, planning, and control functions. Management accounting was developed because of management’s demand for information on past and present operations for predicting future trends.

The management accounting system acts as a decision support system for providing the right information to the right people at the right time. It deals with accounting information for managerial decision-making purposes.

Management accounting is dynamic and forward-looking. It provides various techniques for solving problems, decision making, planning, controlling and efficiently planning business operations. Its primary objective is to help managers to run their organisations smoothly. It is a value-adding process that guides management actions and motivates the behaviour of organisational people.

It creates cultural values necessary to achieve an organisation’s strategic, tactical and operating objectives. An effective management accounting system can create considerable value for organisational success by providing timely and accurate information about the various activities required.

Meaning of Management Accounting

Management accounting is a discipline comprised of two words: ‘Management’ and ‘Accounting’. It is concerned with the study of the managerial aspect of accounting. The primary focus of management accounting is to reconfigure accounting to serve the management team’s needs. This includes aiding in developing policies, facilitating the implementation of controls, and enabling effective evaluation. It is an accounting system that enhances management by facilitating various functions.

Definition of Management Accounting

According to T.G. Rose, “Management accounting is the adaptation and analysis of accounting information and its diagnosis and explanation in such a way as to assist management”.

According to the American Accounting Association, “Management accounting includes the method and concepts necessary for effective planning, for choosing among alternative business actions and for control through the evaluation and interpretation of performances”.

As per the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales, “Any form of accountancy which enables a business to be conducted more effectively can be regarded as Management Accounting”.

According to the Anglo-American Council on Productivity, “Management accounting is the presentation of accounting information in such a way as to assist management in the creation of policy and the day-to-day operation of an undertaking”.



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