Data Collection

Data Collection Meaning, Types and Precautions

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Data Collection Meaning

Research plays an important role across various businesses and industries, serving diverse objectives. Researchers extract information from data to form the foundation of their studies. The term “data” originated from the singular word called “datum” which means “something given”. Data is a collection of raw and unorganised facts that have no individual meaning. Processing, organising, and structuring raw data transforms it into “information,” making it meaningful and useful. For example, During a census survey, data collectors gather various demographic details like names, ages, occupations, education, and income.

Researchers consider data to be the cornerstone of all research, earning it the title “Research’s Life Blood.” Properly collecting and thoroughly analyzing data is an integral part of every complete research endeavour. To accurately comprehend the research problem and craft a workable solution, researchers require high-quality data. Hence, data collection is crucial to analytically understand the problems and obtain solutions for them. Conducting research based on old and irrelevant data may result in useless and faulty solutions for a particular problem.

What is data collection?

Researchers collect data to gather information about the topic under investigation. It is a process of finding appropriate sources of information and effectively consolidating that information to arrive at a specific solution. It helps managers analyse, record, and make informed decisions regarding significant issues. The process of data collection starts by identifying the research purpose. After establishing the purpose, researchers determine the sources and methods for collecting data. Afterward, researchers collect the data and then analyze it to draw conclusions or devise solutions to the research problem.

Two types of data, namely primary data and secondary data, are available for researchers to employ in their studies. Researchers define the former as data collected for the first time, while they define the latter as data already collected and statistically processed for a specific event or problem. Secondary data are the result of indirect derivation from primary data or direct computation using primary data. In other words, secondary data is essentially primary data that has undergone some form of processing. Researchers select primary or secondary data based on the specific objectives of their research study, aiming to find relevant solutions. The methods for collecting both the primary and secondary data are different.

Types of Data

Researchers classify statistical data into two specific categories, depending on the sources they employ, as explained below:

1) Primary Data

Primary data is the information that researchers acquire directly, and it was previously unavailable. Researchers gather this data directly and exclusively for the current research study. The sources of primary data are very useful in finding the real facts about the incidents or events. Primary data consists of personal observations made by the researcher and the respondent. These freshly collected data offer valuable insights into specific problems or issues. Researchers can collect this data through methods such as interviews, observations, mail surveys, counselling sessions, and more.

2) Secondary Data

The previously recorded information about an event is very important in finding the solution to similar kinds of problems. Secondary data refers to information that is readily accessible. It undergoes comprehensive processing and compilation, accompanied by a thorough evaluation. Researchers can collect these from sources such as published reports, including census reports, annual reports, financial assessment reports, and journals, as well as from unpublished sources. Various statements and records about the performance of a particular organization and departments like accounting records, minutes of meetings, inventory records, etc., fall in the category of secondary data sources.

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Precautions in the Collection of Data

Researchers should take the following precautions depending on the sources of data collection

1) Primary Data

The task of collecting the needed genuine information can be challenging. Gathering data in field situations proves more complex than collecting it in office or organizational settings. To obtain clear, unbiased, and accurate information from the field, researchers must take specific precautions. They are related to non-cooperation, incorrect information, and tensions.

Overcoming these difficulties and realizing the desired outcomes requires individuals to follow the following precautions.

i) Friendly Approach: Friendly information gathering is the preferred approach. The interviewee should maintain humility, and politeness, and establish a positive rapport with the respondent.

ii) Proper Use of Words: The use of words and sentences should not sound unfamiliar and casing hurt the sentiments of the respondents. It’s necessary to exchange these words and sentences with more appropriate choices.

iii) Avoid Improper Questions: Avoid asking socially unacceptable questions. If necessary, utilize indirect information to serve the purpose.

iv) Transparency to the Respondents: It is important to clarify the purpose of the fieldwork to the respondents. The respondent’s willingness to answer the question may diminish if we do not thoroughly clarify the fieldwork’s purpose and, in particular, the reason for their selection as a data collection sample.

v) Confidentiality of Identity of Respondents: We must assure the respondent that their identity will remain undisclosed (anonymous) and that we will duly acknowledge their cooperation in our work.

2) Secondary Data

Information obtained from secondary sources varies in reliability and validity; thus, one must carefully evaluate and assign weight to it based on its accuracy and credibility. Evaluating secondary information involves answering six points:

i) Purpose of the Study

People typically collect information with a specific purpose in mind. The purpose of a specific study can greatly impact its findings. Data collected to further the interests of a particular group or organisation are especially suspect, as the example above suggested. Researchers often align the degree of precision, category selection, and data collection/reporting method with the study’s intent. Thus, in evaluating secondary research, one must always ask whether the purpose of the study was to reach a pre-established conclusion. The researcher should stay informed about techniques employed, such as presenting selectively chosen empirical results, as demonstrated above, to achieve predetermined outcomes.

ii) Individuals or Organisations Responsible for Collecting the Information

The credibility of information can vary depending on its source. Some sources are more reliable and trustworthy than others. This arises not just from the biases that may be at work, but also from differences in technical competence, resources, and quality. Song organisations have developed reputations for excellent quality control work and for the integrity of the data. Others have reputations for poor work. In general, sources with high integrity will provide sufficient information on how they obtained the data, enabling a comprehensive assessment of its technical adequacy. Gaining insight into the reputations of different information sources necessitates delving into their past work. Contacting clients and others who have used information supplied by the organisation will also provide some indication of the reputation of an organisation. One might also examine the training and expertise present in an organisation supplying information.

iii) Context of Collected Information

Not all of the secondary data is going to apply to the research goals. If a researcher needs data on mobile internet usage, a report on all internet usage is going to be too broad for the researcher’s specific needs. There are research specialists who can ensure the reports which in turn prove to be effective in answering research questions.

iv) Time of Information

Time is an important factor to consider when evaluating information. As the example above, factors present at the time of information collection may influence the result obtained. Time may also influence the definition of measures. For example, when is a sale made? Does the sale occur upon the placement of an order, receipt of the order, the time of shipment, the time of delivery, the date of billing, the date of payment, or the date a payment is recorded? Different accounting systems emphasize different points in time and produce differences in information. Shifts in the point of time when measurements are taken may have very pronounced effects on the results obtained. Time may also make information obsolete.

v) Methodology Adopted

The quality of secondary data cannot be evaluated without knowledge of the methodology employed when collecting the data. Information about the size and nature of samples, response rates, experimental procedures, validation efforts, questionnaires, interview guides or protocols, and analytic methods should be available in sufficient detail to allow a knowledgeable critique of the data collection procedure.

vi) Consistency

When data are presented by multiple independent sources, one’s confidence in those data is increased. Given all of the problems that may be present in secondary data and the frequent difficulty with identifying how the data were obtained, the best strategy is to find multiple sources of information. Ideally, two or more independent sources should reach the same or similar conclusions. This ensures a higher level of reliability and credibility in the information presented. In situations where there is disagreement among sources, it is beneficial to analyze the underlying reasons for these discrepancies and ascertain the source that holds greater credibility. This process aids in enhancing understanding and making informed decisions. This is not always easy, even with relatively complete information. When radically different results are reported and little basis for evaluating the information collection procedure is found, it is appropriate to be sceptical of all of the data.

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